Web links
A collection of sites and snips for arts and technology.
Bentleyville Historical | Bentleyville, PA Historical Society. My home town. |
B&H Photovideo | Professional's choice for photograpic, optical, and electronic goodies. |
Captain Video | With his Video Rangers, the original protectors of the universe as seen on the DuMont TV network from 1949-1953. Played by Al Hodge of Ravenna, OH. |
Clara's Cooking ABC's | Recipes and table-top food photography "to the letter." |
Fifties Web | Music, TV, Cars, Fashions, and Pop History nostalgia of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. |
George Bilgere | Cleveland poet whose poems have been featured on Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac and U.S. Poet Laureate (2004–2006) Ted Kooser's newspaper project "American Life in Poetry." |
Gizmo's Freeware | A collection of the best free software, with reviews, for Android, Windows, Linux, and iOS. |
inspired-works.org | Mirror of this site. |
James Burton | Lead guitarist for Rick Nelson and a host of other rock and roll greats. |
Old Time Radio | Old time radio shows for listening or download. |
Parts Express | Speakers, components, and related electronics. |
Plan59.com | The museum and gift shop of mid-century illustration. |
Screen check | Self-refreshing display of screen and browser dimensions. |
Sunday Oldies Jukebox | Commercial-free oldies on Sunday 3:00 am to Monday 4:00 am. |
We Choose the Moon | Possibly the most elaborate Flash presentation ever created. Browser requires Flash player capability. |
Windworks Design | Solutions for music synthesizers, wind controllers, specialty MIDI devices, theatre lighting, and custom theatre electronics. |